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Cosmetic Dentist - Fayetteville, GA

Enhance Your Smile
with Customized Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Countless people have at least one cosmetic imperfection that they’d like to fix when it comes to their smile. Whether it’s something as small as dental discoloration or an issue that doesn’t seem like it’s fixable, like a gummy smile, our dentistry team offers a variety of cosmetic dental services that can boost your confidence and make you feel proud to let your smile show. If you have a smile trait that you want to enhance, call our dental office today to schedule a consultation and learn how our cosmetic dentist in Fayetteville, GA can help you achieve your dream smile!

Why Choose Sparking Smiles Fayetteville for Cosmetic Dentistry?


Animated smile during porcelain veneer cosmetic dentistry treatment

If you have several different smile flaws that you’d like to address, veneers are an excellent and versatile option to consider. They’re thin, durable sheaths that we’ll permanently place over the visible surface of one or more teeth (each veneer is made individually) to conceal imperfections. Depending on your needs, they can address slight misalignment, dental damage, discoloration, and a variety of other flaws and reveal a complete, symmetrical, and even smile once they’re placed.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Animated smile with metal free dental restoration

In the past, dentists would use a noticeable metal compounds to craft restorations like cavity fillings and dental crowns. Not only were these noticeable and highlighted damaged teeth when you smile, but they also were known to cause uncomfortable and unsightly side-effects like tooth sensitivity and gum and tooth discoloration. We use metal-free materials that are gentler on your gums and flawlessly blend in with your smile, like porcelain, Emax, and zirconia.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Closeup of beautiful smile after cosmetic dental bonding

If you have minor or moderate dental damage like chips and cracks, gaps between your teeth, or even discoloration, cosmetic bonding is a highly effective, efficient treatment that can help. Using a biocompatible material called composite resin, Dr. Lee or Dr. Lauren Lee Polito, DMD will sculpt the missing portion of your tooth. It has the ability to chemically fuse with your tooth enamel, allowing it to act as a natural extension of your tooth and withstand daily chewing and brushing. The result is a beautiful, bright, and complete smile.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Teeth Whitening

smiling man pointing to his white teeth

Perhaps the main flaw you want to correct is the color of your teeth. Instead of trying whitening gels, strips, or toothpastes from the store, which only brighten your smile by a couple of shades at most, turn to us! We offer two professional-grade options, in-office and take-home whitening, that are much stronger and more effective at taking away stains and discoloration. In fact, you can expect to see up to 8 shades of difference!

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring

Animated smile during laser gum recontouring treatment

When you smile, do your gums disproportionately overshadow your beautiful, healthy teeth? Gummy smiles are one of the most common cosmetic imperfections that we see at our dental office. Fortunately, using our DISCUS Diode Laser, we can quickly and precisely reshape your gumline by removing excess tissue and letting more of your pearly whites show. The advanced laser technology that we use for this treatment drastically reduces the healing time of our patients as well as bleeding, and makes it generally more comfortable.

Smile Makeover

Dentist and dental patient reviewing smile makeover design on computer screen

If you believe that your smile has too many imperfections to count and needs a complete makeover, our team is more than happy to take a look and determine what series of treatments could help you achieve your ideal look. During your initial “Trial Smile” consultation, we’ll spend plenty of time with you to learn more about which features of your teeth you would like to change. Combining our expertise and your desires, we’ll create a customized plan, plus we’ll show you a mock-up of your transformed smile and even give you a wearable prosthetic that will allow you to “test drive” your new look before you commit to treatment.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

patient and dentist talking about cost of cosmetic dentistry with a tablet

At Sparkling Smiles, we know that money is likely a concern for every patient; however, because of the many treatments and the personalized care we offer, general estimates in advance simply aren’t possible. That doesn’t mean we won’t be transparent with you about our pricing. Our team is happy to review the cost of your cosmetic work in person, which is one of the reasons why a consultation is required! If you’re interested in learning more, make your appointment now.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Various cosmetic treatments have different costs, and even certain procedures can have a unique pricing based on how many teeth are being treated and other factors. We won’t be able to pin down a specific cost for your treatment until we’ve had the opportunity to examine your smile as it is now and put together a customized treatment. At that point, we can discuss the finances and work to find an affordable solution for your budget.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be a Worthwhile Investment

When each hard-earned dollar counts, it may seem difficult to spend it on a “luxury” like your smile. However, think about how often you show your teeth and gums throughout a single day. Having a confident smile can not only impress others  but also help you feel better about yourself, which could open unlimited potential for your personal and professional life. Instead of looking at treatment as an expense, view it as an investment in yourself. You’re worth it!

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

In most cases, dental insurance does not include coverage for cosmetic treatments. As a result, you are responsible for paying completely out-of-pocket. However, dental insurance isn’t the only resource you have available to you. We occasionally have special offers available on certain services, such as a free consultation. We also can guide you through the application process for low-interest financing with CareCredit. This allows you to make payments monthly rather than a one-time payment upfront.

Cosmetic Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

Man smiling after working with a cosmetic dentist in Fayetteville

With so many amazing services available, you may have questions about these various treatments from a cosmetic dentist in Fayetteville. Below we’ve answered some of the most common inquiries we get from patients and hope our responses help you. We also invite you to reach out to our team if you have questions that aren’t addressed here. We can schedule a consultation with Dr. Dave Lee or Dr. Lauren Lee Polito, and they can provide more specific information.

Am I a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Many patients qualify for cosmetic treatments, but you have to meet certain requirements. For example, your teeth and gums must be healthy. If you have gum disease, a cavity, or another issue with your smile, we’ll resolve this problem first; afterward, we can consider your cosmetic concerns. During your consultation, we’ll examine you and discuss your goals and needs with you in detail. Then, we can put together a treatment plan designed specifically for giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.

How Much Does Cosmetic Dentistry Cost?

The cost of your treatment depends on several factors, starting with which procedure you’re getting and the number of teeth being treated. Teeth whitening tends to be the most affordable cosmetic option, but the amount you pay will vary for other procedures because these treatments are customized to your unique situation. After Dr. Lee or Dr. Polito has created your treatment plan, we can go through the financial options and talk specific numbers with you.

How Long Does Treatment Last?

To some extent, the results you achieve will last according to how well you maintain your smile. With proper maintenance, teeth whitening can last a couple of years before stains can set in again. Veneers, on the other hand, can go for up to 15 or even 20 years before needing to be replaced, if you take good care of them. Our team will do our part to help you keep the beautiful results for as long as possible so your improved smile can continue to shine brightly.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Procedures?

Although there are a few exceptions, generally dental insurance plans do not pay toward treatments that are purely cosmetic. However, we can work with you to make these kinds of procedures more affordable. For instance, we accept payment through CareCredit, which allows you to make smaller monthly payments instead of paying a one-lump sum. To learn more about CareCredit or for help in the application process, just ask one of our team members.

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